[nycphp-talk] timezone dropdown help

Brian Dailey support at
Sat Jan 27 20:13:02 EST 2007

Check out timezone_abbreviations_list

It basically prints an array that contains each time zone and the offset
for that time zone. Maybe you can use that to get what you need.

- Brian

David Krings wrote:
> Aniesh joseph wrote:
>> hi
>> I need to make a drop down in my web site in a registration form. From 
>> the
>> drop down user can select the his desired time zone. My question is, I 
>> want
>> to capture user's timezone using javascript and it will be shown as 
>> slected
>> when at the time of registration. I got a javascript, it will capture 
>> only timezoneoffset.  Is anyrelation between timezone offset and name? 
>> Is ie available as table? Can anyne help me to d this or by suggest 
>> another method ?
>> regards
>> joseph
> Some time ago I asked a similar question and someone on this list was so 
> nice to provide me with the ECMAScript for the client side to pull out 
> the time zone bias.
> The general code is this one
>       if(!isset($_COOKIE['GMT_bias'])) {
>       ?>
>          <script type="text/javascript">
>          var Cookies = {};
>          /***
>          * @name = string, name of cookie
>          * @value = string, value of cookie
>          * @days = int, number of days before cookie expires
>          ***/
>          Cookies.create = function (name, value, days) {
>               if (days) {
>             var date = new Date();
>             date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
>             var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
>          } else {
>             var expires = "";
>          }
>          document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
>          this[name] = value;
>          }
>          var now = new Date();
>          Cookies.create("GMT_bias",now.getTimezoneOffset(),7);
>          window.location = "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>";
>          </script>
>       <?php
>       } else {
>          echo $_COOKIE['GMT_bias'];
>       }
> It will simply echo the bias in minutes, which should be good enough to 
> find out the client's time zone by name assuming you have some table for 
> lookups or can pull that from the server system (no idea how that works, 
> but other programming languages can do that. Since PHP can do anything 
> including cooking breakfast, there should be some way).
> At least it gets you started.
>     David
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