[nycphp-talk] Help with a self:: ish problem

Rick Retzko rick at
Thu Dec 6 09:58:39 EST 2007

Gents/Ladies - 
Some help please with my PHP5 OOP learning curve:
I'm trying to use a $this variable to call a function within a class.  I
know the following works:
class actions {
 private $_aData;
 private $_table;
 public function __construct(){
 private function update(){
  echo 'Update being executed!';
  return TRUE;
//public functions ==================================
    public function do_action($table,$data){
     //direct action activity
     //assumption: $data['action'] will contain action definition
     $completed=self::update();  //<==  THIS IS THE PROBLEM LINE
     return $completed;
When I change that line to "$completed=self::$this->_aData['action'].'()';"
(which contains the string 'update'), the line is read, but nothing happens.
When I add "$action=$this->_aData['action'].'()';", then change the line to
"$completed=self::$action;", I get the following error message:
Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: actions::$action in
C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\cjmea\hs_choir\classes\class.actions.php5 on
line 37.
All help is appreciated!

Best Regards - 
rick at
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