[nycphp-talk] Subversion killed Xampp Apache

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Wed Aug 15 15:27:28 EDT 2007

Your ISP should already be setup to use logrotate (a cron job for the  
purpose) ...

BTW, on the topic, Im about to upgrade a box and have been looking if  
its possible to "merge" those logs across machines so they will show  
up in stat reports.  The new box will start w/ fresh logs, Im  
wondering if just renaming the logs w/ hostname will do ...

- Jon

On Aug 15, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> Very interesting. You have a habit of pointing me in the right  
> direction.
> The log files haven't changes since the problem appeared, meaning that
> Apache never started. BUT...I realize I have never looked at my log  
> files
> before and the access log was 35Mbytes! So...what do we do with log  
> files?
> How do we flush them? Cron? Probably time to learn a bit about Apache
> management...or should I let my ISP worry abut that?
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