[nycphp-talk] Many pages: one script

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Aug 7 17:29:18 EDT 2007

Isn't what you described already in some type of existence with the  
W3C SPARQL idea ...

Or do you have an opinion on it?

- Jon

On Aug 7, 2007, at 5:15 PM, Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:

> David Krings wrote:
>> Hans Zaunere wrote:
>>> Agreed - I'm still waiting for XSLT to take us by storm.  And I  
>>> keep that
>>> Javascript turned off in my browser, since no web site should  
>>> depend on it
>>> being available... right?
>> Both true. XSLT is indeed an awesome technology. The reason why it  
>> doesn't catch on is that XML and XSLT is designed for machines to  
>> read and not for humans. Just see how difficult it is for many to  
>> create proper HTML!
> There may not be a lot of XSLT on the web yet, but there's more  
> than you'd think; especially if you get to look behind the  
> curtains. Many more sites are using it internally than are exposing  
> it publicly.
> And in some fields such as publishing XSLT has been an absolute  
> godsend. It's much less heralded than PHP or Rails, but to me it's  
> a far more powerful and productive language for the uses for which  
> it's intended. That is, XSLT improves my productivity when doing  
> XMLish things more than PHP improves my productivity when doing  
> Webish things. I'm not saying XSLT is a general purpose web  
> development language like PHP. It's definitely true that the use  
> cases for XSLT are somewhat more specialized than the use cases for  
> PHP. I.e. more people want to do webby things than XML things.
> Of course, if you really want to rock, try combining XQuery+XQueryP 
> +APP+a native XML database. Once the tooling matures a bit, that's  
> a stack that's going to make all previous web dev frameworks look  
> like PowerBuilder. Hmm, need a good acronym for that one: LAXQE  
> perhaps? (Linux+Atom Publishing Protocol+XQuery+eXist) Have to work  
> on that a bit. :-)
> --
> Elliotte Rusty Harold
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