[nycphp-talk] secure login/logon

PaulCheung paulcheung at
Mon Aug 6 05:39:16 EDT 2007

I just need pointing in the right direction. Does anybody know where I 
should be looking for in information on secure login/logon (using PHP 5 and 
DOES NOT USE COOKIES) with coding examples?

Here is what I am trying to accomplish. I have a website where anybody may 
enter, except certain restricted areas where access codes are required.

I suppose the nearest "real life" example would be a shopping mall where 
customers are able to shop ect.; But are not allowed into restricted areas 
without valid access codes which must be verified before before access is 
granted, for example the shopping mall management area.

My apologies up front for the example; But this is precisely what I want to 
do, except on the web.


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