[nycphp-talk] single quote vs. double quote

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Tue Apr 3 08:51:43 EDT 2007

At 08:43 AM 4/3/2007, tedd wrote:

>I'm not sure if what you are saying includes this, but I use double 
>quotes all the time in php for producing html. For example:
>[1] echo("$myResult <br/>");
>[2] echo('<a href="" >$myResult</a>');
>The use of double quotes in [1] allows me to print something without 
>having to use the dot operator.

How you write number [1] comes down to personal preference. I'd 
rather write it as:

echo $myResult . '<br/>';

In number [2], I hope you realize that the string '$myResult' will be 
treated as a static string and will not be evaluated.

Also, since "echo" is a language construct and not a function, the 
parenthesis are not required.


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