[nycphp-talk] Cake PHP and "Active Records"

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Thu Sep 28 23:25:21 EDT 2006

I think the one slick point that gets missed w/ Cake is the fact that  
you can effectively bind and unbind your associations @ any time and  
in any way you wish (paying attention to the default association sql  
query it uses) ... this is a bit more advanced topic but basically  
your right + RoR can do it because the entire language is dynamic @  
runtime ...

Im still learning about this more but there is definitely a step @  
the end of your application Id call "Tweaking and Optimizing your  
Models" which is pretty absent right now.

Out of the box its a very basic structure but much like you would  
have a DBA tune a Stored Proc, you would/could do the same to Cake  
models.  From what Nate said is that it will be made an easier  
process in 1.2 ...

The 'passive record' idea sounds pretty interesting + I think you  
would be able to do something like this w/ a behavior + beforeFind()  

Also the Set::map($model) stuff should help w/ doing the same __get()  
__set() magic on your own models.  Im pretty sure it will be a useful  
item all around.

- Jon

On Sep 28, 2006, at 10:14 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

>     My feeling about this is that I can't accept an "Active Record"
> implementation that (sometimes) uses the database in an outrageously
> inefficient way.  I might trade a factor of 2 for convenience,  but  
> you
> can certainly get into situations where the RoR way and the PHPCake  
> way
> could cost you a factor of 10 or more.  I have to admit that I really
> don't know the answer.

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