[nycphp-talk] Apache 2.2.3 and PHP 5.1.6 Install Failures on Windows XP

Néstor rotsen at
Mon Sep 18 10:45:30 EDT 2006

I just install over the weekend the latest apache 2.0.? and the latest PHP
and Mysql and had no problems.  Well the only problems I had is that I had
to install the mysql.dll and mysqli.dll from

After that everything work.

Néstor :-)

On 9/17/06, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:
> At 02:10 PM 9/17/2006, you wrote:
> >Can anyone tell me what combination of PHP 5.x and Apache 2.x they have
> been
> >able to
> >successfully install on Windows XP, without going through the issues
> noted
> >below:
> I use the route of least resistance and make use of
> XAMPP. Just installed it today on a box without a problem. It wasn't XP.
> <rant>I don't use XP since it breaks quite some stuff, takes double the
> space and lets you do half the stuff compared to W2k. Especially SP2
> malicously broke Flash, which caused me a lot of trouble at work and many
> complaining customers. XP sucks and from what I've seen in Vista RC1 it
> gets even worse. IMHO W2k is the only usable Windope version. Microsoft
> must have bought it from someone.</rant>
> will for sure get you closer to where you want to
> go.
> David Krings
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