[nycphp-talk] Cake v. Symfony [CodeIgniter?]

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Thu Sep 14 17:50:19 EDT 2006

Daniel Krook wrote:
> I'm evaluating CodeIgniter for a brand new project.   It seems to be a 
> fairly new MVC framework and came recommended by some coworkers.   It 
> seems to position itself directly against CakePHP and model itself on 
> Rails.   Can anyone give a thumbs up or down?

I have a colleague who also chose to check out CodeIgniter - what are 
your impressions of it?

I would also like to know if anyone is using any of these frameworks in 
a large-scale and/or high-traffic web site? Was your framework of choice 
easy to scale? Any used more than one framework and make a few comparisons?

I may have an opportunity to work on a major web site (porting their 
existing application from Perl to PHP) and Im told they are very much 
into "frameworks" so now Im wondering if anyone has some empirical 
analysis of the strengths and weaknesses when applied to large web sites?

Funny: back in the 90s I was porting C applications to perl... ;-)


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