[nycphp-talk] rtrim broken?

David Mintz dmintz at
Thu Nov 2 13:32:22 EST 2006

On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, tedd wrote:

> At 8:13 AM -0500 11/1/06, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> >  >>  DUH! The problem was between keyboard and chair as so often.
> >
> >I find my best breakthroughs and epiphanies are solved while driving,
> >playing tennis (incredibly distracting and detrimental to the tennis
> >game), and performing other mindless activities away from the keyboard.
> I often engage in mindless activities at the keyboard.


David Mintz

En Nueva York el tránsito de la belleza a la desolación sucede
siempre expeditivamente, como si el principio universal
de máxima eficiencia hubiera aconsejado la supresión de
gradaciones intermedias.

  -- Antonio Muñoz Molina, Ventanas de Manhattan

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