[nycphp-talk] Mysql Client Version Wrong.

Hans Kaspersetz lamolist at
Fri Mar 31 13:19:13 EST 2006

I have a windows xp box with php4 on apache 1.3 and php5 on apache 2 and 
the db is MySQL 4.1.  When I start the php5 apache phpinfo reports 
Client API version 4.1.18.  When I start php4 and Apache 1.3 phpinfo 
reports Client API version 3.23.blah.  I can not figure out how to 
update my client version for the php4 instance.  When I try to connect 
to the 4.1 db with the php it complains about the wrong client.  There 
was at some point 3.23 on this box, but that was ages ago.  Any ideas?


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