[nycphp-talk] Events Management - is there a solid F/OS code base ?

Hans Kaspersetz lamolist at
Fri Mar 31 10:10:22 EST 2006

No time like the present to open my mouth and confirm what everyone is 
thinking.  This is how the dreaded Y2016 bug got started.


> Yes, exactly. You just never update timeslices that apply to times in the past.
> I'm not sure how much longer this needs to carry on, but I'll go back
> to my original post and point out that there is some benefit to just
> brute-force plotting recurring events as they are inserted / updated.
> There's around 500,000 10-minute time slices between now and 2016.
> It's a big number, but not scary big. Any single recurring event is
> going to touch a miniscule fraction of them.

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