[nycphp-talk] Events Management - is there a solid F/OS code base ?

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Wed Mar 29 14:35:44 EST 2006

The way I always handled occurance was to have two fields in the database, a
key (usually an integer), and a value, which I stored as a string.

I then had a function which took an event and a day in, and checked the
events occurance key / value to see if it applied for that day, and returned
either true or false.

I doubt this is the most efficient way, but it works for me.

On 3/29/06, Jeff Knight <jeff.knight at> wrote:
> On 3/29/06, cliff <cliff at> wrote:
> > And isn't recurring just a flag? The presentation or business layer can
> see if a recurring event falls into a calendar timframe by doing some simple
> math.
> How does it "recur". Every day, every other day, every Monday and
> Wednesday, on the 5th of every month, on the 4th Tuesday of every
> month, on the last day of the month, every 45 days, quarterly,
> annually?
> On 3/29/06, csnyder <chsnyder at> wrote:
> > And let us not forget timezones and daylight savings time...
> I wish I could. And to make matters worse, the bozos in charge keep
> changing it!
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Brian O'Connor
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