[nycphp-talk] Events Management - is there a solid F/OS code base ?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Tue Mar 28 17:43:16 EST 2006

There has been some debate n NYPHP in the past about using "event" as a 
basic data structure for websites. For example, given an event data 
construct (what, when,where,whom,about/related to, comments about, etc) 
one could build many common MVC websites.

I'd like to bake some of that bread right now so I am looking for some 
starter dough.... has anyone worked with a base LAMP setup for events 
management worthy of development?

Some of what I have noted thus far:

A "calendar" is an interface to such a database, but existing "Calendar" 
systems  seems so UI-centric and often have pretty poor back end 
infrastructure. Sorry, but I am one of those who believe you can skin 
anything once it's well-designed, so I want the solid backend design first.

CMS's approach event management as a necessary feature, but seem to 
spend more time on the integration of the Calendar UI with the CMS than 
an events database structure. I am loathe to adapt a CMS just to get 
access to a feature given secondary imortance by the core developers - 
too much baggage.

The market opportunity for almost *any* true events management system is 
tremendous, so once a project puts a niche label onto itself the UI and 
application-specific aspects overwhelm the value of the backend and, 
well, we get YAUWTAINOASI (yet another unfinished Web Two application in 
need of a solid infrastructure). Perhaps I am being too cynical ;-)

Anyway comments and suggestions about an events-driven database 
infrastructure very much appreciated.

-=john andrews

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