[nycphp-talk] not including '.php' in URI

Douglas Clifton dwclifton at
Tue Mar 21 19:02:51 EST 2006

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "inforequest" <1j0lkq002 at>
> To: talk at
> Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 11:11:29 -0800
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] not including '.php' in URI
> Chris Shiflett |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:
> >Dan Horning wrote:
> >
> >
> >>it's not a matter of making things faster, b/c it won't, I've
> >>tried, but in actuality you create excessive opportunities for
> >>security breaches, why on earth would you want to make your
> >>life harder.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Can you substantiate that claim? My web sites don't use file extensions,
> >but I doubt you can convince me that this increases my security risk.
> >
> >I know little to nothing about SEO - my decision is based on my opinion
> >that URLs are basically friendly APIs for the average person. Things
> >like file extensions and underscores don't seem very friendly.
> >
> >Simple is beautiful. :-)
> >
> >Chris
> >
> >
> I appreciate this discussion. It's good stuff. I'd like to see more of it.
> There are so many ways to avoid using file extensions... Maybe it's
> causes Apache to run /nicename/index.php
> or
> causes Apache to run /nicename/index.html (which
> is a PHP script, or maybe not)
> or
> is merely a referrer reference because PHP.ini
> runs a (PHP script) controller every time
> or
> causes Apache to run /nicename (a PHP script with
> no extension)
> or
>  www.ste.tld/nicename causes Apache to run redirect to
> /nicename/controller.php via a rewrite rule
> Each has performance issues, security issues, etc. How can one generalize?
> Chris chooses to accommodate the user, and handles the security and
> performance issues. Isn't that how we all have to do it? Choose a
> strategy and cover the bases?
> -=john andrews

If you are lucky enough to have a dedicated server with
root access and thus have control over the Apache
configuration file, a technique that I use avoids use of
.htaccess files, mod_rewrite, or blanket interpretation of
all files as PHP. Simply create a Directory container for
all the files you want to pass to PHP that will not have an

<Directory /var/www/sites/>
 <FilesMatch "^(page1|page2|page3)$">
  ForceType application/x-httpd-php

now: (and so on)

will all run under PHP. If you want to create an entire
folder full of these, then omit the <FilesMatch> directive,
but be careful about storing non-PHP files in the same

Douglas Clifton
dwclifton at

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