[nycphp-talk] [OT] Re: Your Future PHP Application GUIs

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Mar 17 14:02:25 EST 2006

A good strong dose of skepticism is very healthy in this case.

 I use PHP because it is fast and stays close to the edge of development 
in the world of web apps including interfaces. AJAX is a buzzword... 
it's new, it's often flaky, and compared to total need for user 
intefaces it doesn't apply to the vast majority of cases.

That is not to say it isn't important. I'm just saying it isn't "the 
answer" yet, and it is very, very young. Sure any new Windows shell is 
important to all application developers, but not because of some hook 
between AJAX-y screens and PHP.

Of course this part is very funny (from that website):       
"evangelists are NOT marketing"

That statement caused me to choke on my probably-too-hot-to-be-drunk 
coffee. After all this is Vista promo week.. do we need to clutter up 
the PHP talk list too?

-1 , marked OT

-=john andrews

Peter Sawczynec |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>This link: 
>...takes a look at the upcoming MSFT OS Vista and shows that Vista search
>will be using 
>a very instant gratification, responsive AJAX-like interface. 
>I believe a takeaway from that video is that whatever the underlying
>technology employed, 
>users are going to be expecting this type of reactive interface more and
>This link:
>...shows Robert Fripp recording ambient music for Vista.
>The general forum link cited below provides links to streaming media,
>admittedly of largely MSFT 
>behind-the-scenes development talk I believe could be of frank interest to
>any PHP enterprise developer: 
>Disseminating some rather dry stuff with a light, easy to absorb touch.
>Warmest regards,
>Peter Sawczynec,
>Technology Director
>_Design & Interface
>_Database Management
>ps at

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