[nycphp-talk] February Presentation

DeWitt, Michael mjdewitt at
Thu Mar 2 11:51:04 EST 2006

Whoa that was fast!

Hopefully tonight I will have the MP3 and images ready to go.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Hans Kaspersetz [SMTP:lamolist at]
> Sent:	Thursday, March 02, 2006 12:20 AM
> To:	NYPHP Talk
> Subject:	[nycphp-talk] February Presentation
> The February presentation is now posted to the NYPHP website.  Audio 
> will follow shortly.
> Thank you,
> Hans Kaspersetz
> Presentation Lacky
> *RSS, Atom, OPML, and All That: A Course for Developers* 
> <>
> This February, New York PHP Community explores the world of RSS and 
> related technologies. As PHP developers, we're often called upon to 
> generate and read dynamic feeds. Join us this month as author, professor 
> and Java developer - yes, Java developer - Elliotte Harold gives us an 
> indepth look at these essential technologies.
> XML based syndication is moving from its foundations in weblogs to 
> unexpected arenas: source code control systems, audio narrowcasts, 
> e-mail, bug tracking, stock tickers, and more. News readers like Vienna, 
> NetNewsWire, RSSOwl, and Newsgator are replacing classic web browsers 
> for many uses. This session explores the fundamental technologies 
> underlying this explosion of content: the various versions of RSS, OPML, 
> Atom, and the Atom Publishing Protocol. Learn the tricks and techniques 
> for integrating these XML applications into your products as both 
> clients and servers.
> Elliotte is originally from New Orleans to which he returns periodically 
> in search of a decent bowl of gumbo. However, he currently resides in 
> the Prospect Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn with his wife Beth and 
> cats Charm (named after the quark) and Marjorie (named after his 
> mother-in-law). He's an adjunct professor of computer science at 
> Polytechnic University where he teaches Java, XML, and object oriented 
> programming. His Cafe au Lait web site at has 
> become one of the most popular independent Java sites on the Internet, 
> and his spin-off site Cafe con Leche at has 
> become one of the most popular XML sites. His books include Java I/O, 
> Java Network Programming, the XML Bible, and XML in a Nutshell. He's 
> currently working on the XOM Library for processing XML with Java, the 
> jaxen XPath engine, and the Amateur media player.
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