[nycphp-talk] OT (Slightly) Help with PHP/JavaScript Error Resolution?

R. Mariotti r.mariotti at
Mon Jul 31 15:19:17 EDT 2006

Sorry - I know this is most likely a js issue but it seems to be 
occurring in only ONE of my PHP programs so I thought I would ask here 
because of the VAST amount of insight and expertise available...

I am trying desperately to incorporate a free js routine that hides a 
DIV and then redisplays it when asked using DHTML. (too, too many 

This is a canned routine included with a <script src...> statement in 
the appropriate place.  When I try to run the program my js console 
shows the following error ONLY in this ONE PHP program.  SO, what might 
I be doing within this program to cause this js error? (rhetorical)

Can someone perhaps "explain" what this error is trying to tell me and 
how my PHP program can cause it???

Error: document.getElementById("Div" + count) has no properties
Source File:
Line: 320

Any assistance, pointers, redirection, etc will be G-R-E-A-T-L-Y 

Thank you,


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