[nycphp-talk] Book recommendations - security, object-oriented programming

Timothy R Boyden TBoyden at
Thu Jul 6 11:22:52 EDT 2006

PHP in a Nutshell by O'Reilly publishing is an excellent reference guide
I've been using. I've been reading up on the object-oriented approach
myself and Paul Hudson (the author) does a really good job describing it
and using it in example programs. Paul also covers security in the book
(which I haven't got to yet) but it's a short chapter and might not go
into the depth you need. The book references Essential PHP Security
(also by O'Reilly) as a resource to go into more depth on that subject.

Amazon Links:


Tim Boyden

Timothy Boyden 
Network Administrator 
tboyden at 
SuperCoups(r) | 350 Revolutionary Drive | E. Taunton, MA 02718 
508-977-2034  | 

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Aaron Fischer
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:08 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Book recommendations - security,object-oriented


I'm working on a project that has me thinking about purchasing one or
two books.  The topics I'm interested in are:

1.  Security.  Discussion of practices for password storage and
retrieval.  Transmission of data in a secure manner, e.g. encrypted,
https, certificates, etc.  Also methods of cleaning/filtering/scrubbing
data received from web forms.

2.  Getting up and running with object-oriented programming in PHP.


1.  The project I am working on will allow users to create accounts.  I
need to think about the best way to store their passwords and allow them
to retrieve if lost, change if they so desire, etc.  As the information
is somewhat sensitive there is a possibility I will need to be passing
it via https vs. http.  Scrubbing and filtering the data to make sure
nobody is intentionally or accidentally messing with my application.

2.  To date I have been working primarily with procedural programming
techniques.  I am considering the benefits of object-oriented code for
this project.  Ideally the book would include a discussion of benefits
of using object-oriented code.


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