[nycphp-talk] OT ? Insurance Question

George Schlossnagle george at
Sat Feb 11 22:24:33 EST 2006

Jon Baer wrote:

>It worries me that this even needs to be thought about these days ...  
>Im interested in why the company that hires you for this would not  
>provide such insurance ... I have read at least a dozen items this  
>year alone which shows developers getting *sued* for just bad  
>mouthing or giving a good opinion on why not to buy a product in  
>their blogs.  While its not the same as a mission-critical situation  
>I find it troublesome that you would need "online insurance" these  
>days if you are programming via contract work :-\
All contracters should have errors and ommissions coverage.  It's been 
that way for as long as I've been contracting.


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