[nycphp-talk] Newbie seeks PHP installation help / suggestions

Bob Paul Bob at
Sat Dec 9 12:22:07 EST 2006

I am totally new to PHP and NYPHP.  I've been trying for several days now to
install PHP, Apache and MySQL on my Win/XP system.
The Apache web server is functioning but I'm lost in the PHP configuration
files and have not a clue how to activate PHP.  The Apache web server
totally ignores the PHP script inside my little HelloWorld.php -
  <title>PHP Test</title>
 <p>Hello World from HTML</p>
 <?php echo '<p>Hello World from PHP</p>'; ?>
I'm about to start searching through the NYPHP message archives, but if you
happen to know a link that will help me, I'd greatly appreciate hearing
about it.
All the best,

Bob Paul
Madison-Atlantic Software
607.562.8921 (voice)
607.562.7248 (fax)
607.259.0583 (cell) <> 

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