[nycphp-talk] Drag Drop Uploads & Progress Bars

Rick Olson rolson at
Tue Aug 22 12:46:58 EDT 2006

There was recently a topic about this started on the php.internals 
newsgroup.  For lack of a better way to link to the topics, (I'm aware 
of, but it's not threaded and I don't have the time to link 
to all emails in the thread), I'll summarize a few snippets here.

-- thread starter "steve" (
We do a "web 2.0" type upload, and show a spinner. When the file is
large or the connection slow, people sometimes abort thinking that
there was a problem. I'd like to show a progress bar. Is this possible
yet? Which version? I can't use perl on these servers (PHP only), so
I'm SOL. I've used a patch before, but a client does not want to use a
hacked up PHP on production servers.

-- response from Rasmus --
The patch to support this is in PHP 5.2 CVS now.

 >Unknown W. Brackets wrote:
 >How is that?  You can't get any feedback from PHP (except, now, by 
installing/writing an extension) about how far along the upload is - no 
 >matter how much JavaScript you use.  And the browser won't tell you.
 >Some people have scanned the /tmp directory for possible PHP uploads, 
but this obviously doesn't work even a bit for concurrent users.

So basically, as of 5.2 there will theoretically be a way to get 
feedback on file uploads from PHP, although it may still require another 



Jeff Loiselle wrote:
> I'm been developing PHP too long. I think I'm starting to become
> jealous of Java. No I'm just kidding, however...
> Anyone have any good luck/package recommendations for integrating a
> Java drag & drop w/progress bar within a PHP application. My trouble
> is that I need to be able to upload, then add database rows to relate
> the files to database records.
> I am trying to build a document management systems for Word files,
> PDFs, Powerpoint, etc. My client requires upload progress notification
> and would like to have d&d if possible.
> Also, if anyone knows of a good package to integrate, that I don't
> have to write, I'll take those comments as well :-)
> Thanks in advance for your comments.
> ---
> Jeff Loiselle
> Web Developer, Musician, and Observer
> ""A man is what he thinks about all day long." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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