[nycphp-talk] [OT] - NYC Salaries

Tim Sailer sailer at
Thu Aug 3 13:17:18 EDT 2006

On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 01:13:39PM -0400, Joseph Crawford wrote:
> THe job is actually in TImes Square, and i could live on the outskirts such
> as Jersey City, i was recommended Queens by someone local and a gentleman
> from the company also lives there.
> Queens is not dead set in our minds :)
> I dont mind up to 45min commute every day to and from.

For that salary, just say no. If you can add $20k to it, yeah, you'll
get by. But, at that pay scale you'll slowly starve to death.


Tim Sailer <sailer at> 
Information and Special Technologies Program
Northeast Regional Counterintelligence Office
Brookhaven National Laboratory  (631) 344-3001

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