[nycphp-talk] IE7 Beta 2 [OT]

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Apr 6 17:15:08 EDT 2006

Peter Sawczynec |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>Maybe you and your office hold certain responsibilities regarding web site
>display nits on client sites and apps.
>Recently downloaded IE7 Beta 2 and it is (at least at this time)
>demonstrating differing display characteristics from IE6 possibly altering
>divs and frames presentation. I think might be related to how IE is actually
>attempting to handle web pages based on the DOCTYPE: transitional vs.
>strict, etc.
>Additionally, IE7 has a heaping of fresh chrome and menus have gone off and
>sidestepped their original locations. 
>Under Tools>Internet Options>Advanced, the sections Browsing and Security
>may be of worthwhile note including a default Phishing Filter and some
>possible upgrade tomfoolery with SSL and TLS.
>Default install, of course, saw IE6 subsumed by IE7. Though documentation
>claims that IE7 will go peaceably via Add/Remove Programs. And, lo, it is
>Warmest regards,
>Peter Sawczynec,
>Technology Director
If you are interested you can follow this on  the serious CSS 
lists/forums. Ever since IE7 started Beta they have been picking it 
apart and it is, indeed, rather ugly so far.

On April 1, someone released a "perfect style sheet" which was actually 
a simple all-table layout for all versions of IE, with no-layout for 
everyone else. No more issues!

-=john andrews

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