[nycphp-talk] worm/virus's hammering feedback scripts? POLISHED VERSION

Hans Zaunere lists at
Mon Sep 12 23:08:08 EDT 2005

I'm preparing to make the posting, but want to double check something.
Please see below.

Michael Southwell scribbled on Monday, September 12, 2005 12:15 PM:
> I polished this up a bit.
> IMPORTANT:  Ken's original function did not work in my testing,
> because (1) the \ in \r and \n needed to be escaped, and (2) he had
> the letter O instead of the numeral 0 in the hex numbers.  Somebody
> smarter than I am, please check carefully the modified version
> included below. ===========================
> Problem:
> Bot-net scanning to locate php scripts which are vulnerable to a email
> header injection exploit. All PHP scripts which send email based on
> input data are vulnerable.
> Discussion:
> A large scale distributed network of machines is currently being
> employed to scan php-based websites in search of scripts which are

Is this exploit PHP specific?  Although I haven't confirmed, the nature of
the vulnerability would appear to effect any mailing web form, in nearly any
language.  Can anyone provide additional details?

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP  /

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