[nycphp-talk] ER Diagram tool for MySQL/OS X

Hans Kaspersetz hans at
Tue Oct 4 11:15:06 EDT 2005

It just dawned on me, that I need to chime in here in a more thoughtful 
way.  Like Hans said, we are using Enterprise Architect, the short 
coming is that it does not run natively on OS X.  You will need virtual 
PC with Windows running on your OS X machine.  This will incur a 
performance hit.  I am currently using EA on OSX through Virtual PC with 
Windows XP Home.  It is not a terrible situation.  We standardized on EA 
even though a part of the team is on OS X becuase it is a very useful 
piece of software and the benefit of EA out weighs the cost of Virtual 
PC.  Just to be clear I have a 12" Power Book G4 1.33 with 1.2 GB of RAM.

Hans K

Hans C. Kaspersetz
Cyber X Designs
Office: 201-558-7929

Hans Zaunere wrote:

>>I'm fortunate enough to have an employer who provides me with this tools,
>>however I have heard some really good things about DDT which can be found
>>here amongst others:  
>Nice page...
>Myself a others are currently engaged in a large financial project and we've
>been using Enterprise Architect.  Quite nice, with remote repository
>management (via MySQL), project sharing, including straight forward
>interface and UML.  We're using all facets of it, from business processes,
>to state diagrams, to database reverse engineering from AS400/RPG.  Fun
>Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP
>  /
>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP


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