[nycphp-talk] PHP vs. new ASP.NET 2.0

Keith Casey mailinglists at
Mon Nov 28 11:31:37 EST 2005

Susan Shemin wrote:
> Hey, guys, nice to hear your responses.  However, there's always 2 sides 
> to an argument, and I do not agree with you.

Actually, I was doing .Net development in C# for most of last year along 
with some classic ASP.  Prior to that, I was a Java guy for a few years 
while learning a bit of PHP.  Since then, I've been about 70/30 Java and 
PHP, so I have a pretty good feel for most of those.

Anyway, the thing that got me about .Net development vs the Java and PHP 
development was the availability of components.  The .Net communities 
had lots of components available, but the vast majority of them were 
compiled-only and exclusively commercial.  This is great for corporate 
developers who have the budget and developers who don't need to consider 
the underlying architecture and/or quality of the code, but I have 
rarely been in that position.  Some of the code was probably great, but 
I couldn't tell you.

 From the PHP perspective (and especially Java) there are libraries to 
do just about anything you need and sometimes the array of options are 
simply dizzying.  The sense of collaboration is leaps and bounds beyond 
where .Net is in terms of available components, discussions, and general 

Cool tools are great, but that's only one facet of development.

My 0.02,

D. Keith Casey Jr.
CEO, CaseySoftware, LLC

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