[nycphp-talk] XML-RPC question

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Nov 21 11:49:42 EST 2005

Hi Lee:

On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 10:52:55AM -0500, leegold wrote:

> The catch seems to be security cause all this is passed around w/http
> ie. as a web-service. So my question is, what would be a way protecting
> the laptop from any unauthorized outside requests eg. the laptop only
> talks to the server (or an appointed box) on the local network.

Funny you should ask.  I just gave a presentation about this at the 
International PHP Conference.  Unfortunately, my laptop died while I was 
there so I don't have slides yet.  But the short story is use SSL 
certificates and/or PGP/GPG keys to authenticate and encrypt the data.


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