[nycphp-talk] [OT] recommendations re credit cards/merchant accounts?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Nov 9 01:49:32 EST 2005

I really think it is a question for a CPA at that organization (or the 
one taking on that responsibility).

If a non-profit is "used"  to generate profits for someone, that can be 
illegal and can jeopardize the non-profit status  (I believe the legal 
term is inurement). If a non-profit loses its status thusly, it may be 
retroactively converted to a for-profit entity, which means 
back-taxes-plus-penalties-and-interest  as far back as the creation date 

We can discuss all we like here but the real important stuff will be 
decided at the "corporate"level within each particular entity, based on 
their own comfort levels, risk management, accounting practices, state, etc.

I believe the law permits individuals to accept "donations" via PayPal 
as you describe... something changed  a few years ago in that area.... I 
am not a lawyer nor a CPA so this advice may be worth slightly less than 
the price you paid for it.

Glenn |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>I was visiting the website of an indie recording artist today,
>and there was a link to paypal, where I could pay via
>credit card or paypal.  I don't know anything more about
>how it works, but the experience seemed ok to me,
>and I think the public may be more willing to give
>credit card info to someone like paypal than to some
>small outfit that they may not be too familiar with.  I maintain
>3 .org websites, all three are very small organizations
>and I also am interested in how I might give them the ability
>to accept payments online.
>Thanks for bringing the subject up.

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