[nycphp-talk] Mbstring

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sat Mar 12 11:44:51 EST 2005

> We recently upgraded PHP on an internal server to 5.0.3 and we're seeing
> some odd stuff with regards to strings.

String in general, or really just the warning from phpMyAdmin?

> PhpSupport doesn't really mention anything useful.
> But phpMyAdmin throws this:
> The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using multibyte
> charset. Without mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings
> correctly and it may result in unexpected results.

It's likely you don't have the mbstring extension installed.  You can recompiled PHP with --enable-mbstring, or if you're on Windows you can uncomment the php_mbstring.dll line and restart.

Or do what I do and ignore it - I'm not using multibyte characters, so phpMyAdmin is flapping in the wind.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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