[nycphp-talk] Php Framework

George Schlossnagle george at
Fri Mar 4 11:31:25 EST 2005

On Mar 4, 2005, at 11:25 AM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

> i believe PHP is a sort of framework but it's not an OO framework, i
> think php should move itself to be more OO and it would be considered
> a framework, i mean rather than mysql_fetch_array it could be
> something like DB->MySQL->FetchArray() DB->MsSQL->FetchArray() all of
> which is possible to do by writing abstraction layers but a out of the
> box solution that was the standard for php would be great :D

Besides the fact that this particular example is covered entirely by 
PDO (new db interface layer becoming standard in 5.1), why does 
everything need to be OO?  I like OO as much as the next guy (at least 
as much as some next guys), but I have yet to see many examples that 
demonstrate where a lack of an OOP access pattern to some core PHP 
facility is really, truly, insurmountably less usable than the 
procedural way.


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