[nycphp-talk] Data encryption on ISP server

Flavio daCosta nyphp at
Sat Jun 25 11:43:02 EDT 2005

> On 6/24/05, Flavio daCosta <nyphp at> wrote:
>3) New user setup would be a manual process to get the initial
>(unencrypted) passphrase encrypted with their password.

On 06/25/2005 11:06 AM, csnyder wrote:
> But that's a good thing. If just anyone could come along a register as
> a new user, then an attacker with shell access could just register and
> then use his password to decrypt the passphrase, game over.

I guess you are right, it's not really a caveat (more like a feature ;).
 It also wouldn't need to be as manual as I first thought.  The person
with the Authorization to create accounts would be able to encrypt the
new users first password during setup seeing as they all ready have the
un-encrypted db passphrase (from their password.)


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