[nycphp-talk] OT Eclipse

Jonathan hendler at
Wed Jul 27 14:36:33 EDT 2005

I use subversion and sftp with eclipse 3.1.

For SFTP try Klomp.
Subversion I use subclipse.

Here's a bit of my install history.

Jul 7, 2005 4:55:45 PM 	com.quantum.Quantum_2.4.5 	feature-install 	success
Jul 7, 2005 4:56:09 PM 	com.quantum.Quantum_2.4.5 	feature-enable 	success
Jul 7, 2005 4:56:09 PM 	net.sourceforge.phpeclipse_1.1.4 
feature-install 	success
Jul 7, 2005 4:57:30 PM 	net.sourceforge.phpeclipse_1.1.4 
feature-enable 	success
Jul 7, 2005 4:57:30 PM 	feature-install 
Jul 7, 2005 4:57:44 PM 	feature-enable 
Jul 7, 2005 4:57:44 PM 
feature-install 	success
Jul 7, 2005 4:58:55 PM 
feature-enable 	success
Jul 7, 2005 4:58:55 PM 	org.tigris.subversion.subclipse_0.9.30 
feature-install 	success
Jul 7, 2005 4:59:10 PM 	org.tigris.subversion.subclipse_0.9.30 
feature-enable 	success

Hans Zaunere wrote:

>After seeing the Eclipse environment in action at last night's presentation,
>I've given it a try.
>I have the PHP plug-in installed, and things look to be pretty solid.  The
>big problem I've come across so far is the lack of SFTP/FTP support,
>although perhaps I'm missing something.
>I did find this:
>Which I went ahead and installed.  However, I'm getting some error messages.
>>From looking at the last time the plug-in was updated, I'm guessing that it
>won't work with the latest version of Eclipse, which is 3.1 and what I just
>Anyone know of any other options for SFTP/FTP access?  Any recommendations
>for working with remote files, namely with subversion?
>Hans, long way from ditching UltraEdit
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