[nycphp-talk] Batch Printing

Jonathan hendler at
Fri Jul 22 10:48:57 EDT 2005

I've known people to use BASH or Applescript to generate either html, 
pdf, or postscript files, then batch those out to the printer. Linux has 
plenty of command line printing options. I imagine windoze can do it 
too, if you ask nicely.

I guess a lot of the question depends.

1. what platform are you on?
2. how much formatting/images is in the pages? (I mean are they text 
files, LaTex, PDF, etc)
3. Is this a one shot app you have to finish in 3 hours, or something 
you plan to re-use and port

For PDF I've used ezPDF, free and native php from a guy in NZ.
I've seen some one use IE and JS to do batch jobs, but there were 500 
pages, and it was really slow and would time out.

Tom Melendez wrote:

>Don't know what platform you are on, but you could do the following with 
>IE (you might be able to do the same with FF, I'm not sure).
>Generate each record as a page (could be dynamic or static)
>Create a "table of contents", which is one page with all pages linked.
>In IE, you can say "print all linked documents"
>Hope that helps!
>Joseph Crawford wrote:
>>Hello Everyone,
>>Once again i have a question for you guys.  I have a list of 
>>perspective clients in an mysql database.  I would like to send them 
>>letters to try to gain them as a client.  I know i can use a template 
>>engine such as smarty to create the HTML template.  Here's the 
>>question.  Is there a way i could run a script and have it 
>>automatically loop each record, send it off to my printer?  I know i 
>>could do this with javascript to auto print the page i am looking at.  
>>Also i know that PHP is serverside and if installed on my remote 
>>server there is no way to send it to my local printer, so i was 
>>thinking of making a script here on my dev machine that would access 
>>the remote db, maybe then there is a way to have PHP or JS send each 
>>record to my printer in a batch job.
>>Any suggestions will be appreciated
>>Joseph Crawford Jr.
>>Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
>>codebowl at <mailto:codebowl at>
>>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>>AMP Technology
>>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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