[nycphp-talk] A question for mambo experts

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Jul 18 21:07:19 EDT 2005

On 7/16/05, Leila Lappin <damovand at> wrote:
> Is there a relation between mambo modules and
> components?

Hi Leila,

Consider modules as blocks of logic that are secondary to the page
content, and components as logic that *IS* the actual content.

So with a base mambo install, you can see that the litle blocks are
modules, but when you click on Contact Us you will see in the main
content area the component itself (com_contact).

Modules are strictly for the front end; whereas components can be on
the front end as well as the back end (again, see contacts for an

Further complicating things is that you can use a component on the
back end to maintain a front end module (polls, for example).

I don't remember when this all started making sense to me, but I do
remember that it was really just an adjustment of terminology - which
is a challenge no matter what CMS you choose.

Mitch Pirtle
Mambo Core Developer

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