[nycphp-talk] Re: kudos to Mitchy P for the Mambo spiel

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Feb 24 19:16:11 EST 2005

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 18:10:00 -0500, Faber Fedor <faber at> wrote:
> Even though I've given up on Mambo until some better docs come along (I
> simply can't figure out the paradigm for this thing), I'd be very
> interested in seeing this presentation as well.

This is probably one of the biggest hurdles to CMS adoption by
experienced developers -- when faced with a system as complex as Mambo
or Drupal or whatever, it seems like it will take months just to
figure out, big picture, how everything works together. It seems
easier to just start from scratch.

While any core developer could easily communicate the paradigm to
another programmer face to face, doing so in a written document is a
daunting task.

Does anyone know of a project (doesn't have to be PHP) that has done this well?

Chris Snyder

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