[nycphp-talk] Static Method Referencing

Hans Zaunere lists at
Thu Feb 17 19:01:37 EST 2005

> You are the one that must be high to not see it... trying to eat your
> cake and have it too. You're trying to be slick, sneak around the gate
> and get away with something. The ultimate fact of the matter is that

This is a great post :)  As Jeff mentioned after this, these types of posts are not acceptable, and in fact a perfect example of what not to do - but apparently Jeff thinks it ok to talk like that privately :)

> you cannot access the contents of the $StaticMethod  property
> ("SayHello"), without instantiating the object. It does not matter
> that you are then trying to do a perfectly legal operation with that
> information, but that you do not have access to that information in
> the first place.

Funnyish aside, the problem I was having was to use an object property to call a static class method.  There was no use of an object ($this) in the static part of the class.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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