[nycphp-talk] Odd Results

Keith Richardson keithjr at
Tue Feb 8 09:02:27 EST 2005

(sorry if this shows up twice, gmail timed out while I tried to send
this response)

I have had issues with this at my previous job - their intranet server
was an IIS machine running on a 2000 server. If I had a protected
directory for user logins, say phpmyadmin (because they wanted root
access to all of the IT personel, which then used IIS built-in auth).
It posted fine, but once your browser session went to view php pages
that werent in protected pages, the $_POST variables would not send at

It took me a while to figure out that it was going in and out of the
protected pages - as I would edit pages & have phpmyadmin loaded. I am
not sure what caused this, or what the fix is, but all I had to do was
close my browser and re-open.

I dont know if anything else can cause this, but that is how I saw
those issues come up.

Keith Richardson
keith at

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 07:25:07 -0500, Joseph Crawford <codebowl at> wrote:
> i am not seeing anything out of the ordinary in my phpinfo on my
> windows machine, atleast nothing that would cause $_POST to never get
> set
> --
> Joseph Crawford Jr.
> Codebowl Solutions
> codebowl at
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> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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