[nycphp-talk] Java - It's So Nineties

Daniel Krook krook at
Wed Dec 14 10:29:11 EST 2005

> When I first moved to New York I listed with a recruiting 
> agency and the 
> recruiter I was working with told me she had never heard 
> of PHP and said 
> that there were no jobs for php-developers and JAVA was by
> far a better 
> programming language.  Of course I had no problem finding 
> php jobs on 
> various websites and had two jobs offers before she had 
> even managed to 
> contact me about an interview.  I feel like emailing her the link.

When I was about to move to NYC in mid-2000 I spoke with a head hunter 
just before the bubble burst and asked him what the hot technologies were. 
 He told me that he had just placed two PHP developers to the highest 
paying jobs he'd ever arranged. 

That was the first I ever heard of PHP and bought my first book a few 
hours later.  :)

Daniel Krook, Content Tools Developer
Global Production Services - Tools,

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