[nycphp-talk] PHP Coding Standards

csnyder chsnyder at
Fri Dec 9 14:18:59 EST 2005

On 12/9/05, Morgan Craft <morgan at> wrote:
> What about Hungarian notation?  I had not heard of it till I recently
> started my new job.  I find the naming convention useful, especially
> when all our database fields have the corresponding notations.  I'm sure
> this coding standard could be used for other languages that do not
> require data types to be declared.  But is this something that should be
> included within the PHP coding standard?
> Hungarian Notation(wiki):

Gack! Not in my code, thanks. Names are names, not type declarations.

But if you like it, more power to ya. I hope you're consistent, and
have a well-defined list of types in your coding standard so that
whatever poor bloke has to change the code in 5 years can figure out
what all the notations mean.

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