[nycphp-talk] FW: Is the web's love affair with PHP over? har har har

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Aug 5 15:14:02 EDT 2005

Hans Zaunere |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>>However, E DC's survey has found PHP, along with scripting cousins Perl
>>and Python, is seeing drastically reduced adoption among developers in
>>Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Use of PHP has dropped by a
>>quarter in EMEA during the last 12 months to just under 28 per cent
>>while 40 per cent of developers said they have no plans to evaluate or use
>>EDC chief operating officer John Andrew 

If this was important, I'd say it's time to track the fundng for this 
company cause it sounds so much like marketing fud. Since it's not 
important, don't bother. PHP is about utility, not brand. That's 
important for everybody here except maybe Zend, who probably has to care 
about articles like this one. We don't -- we got here by getting the job 
done, and PHP enables us to do that. Okay everybody on this list that 
has never used any other language than PHP raise your hand. I thought 
so. We all have used what it took to get the job done, and will probably 
keep doing that.

Like Jeff Siegel said -- the kool aid is very powerful. This article 
confirms that PHP is now a valid threat, worthy of attention and 
resources from those with alot to lose.  Remember what Red Hat went thru 
as the first "legitimate" Linux distro? When I visited RedHat's campus 
in the earlier days  I couldn't miss the quote on the big wall as you 
entered the building (I see they still use it as 

    "*First they ignore you*. Then they laugh at you. *Then they fight
    you.* Then you win." 

    - Mohandas Gandhi 

-=john andrews
(No relation to John Andrew, by the way ;-)

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