[nycphp-talk] this list's digest format

Hans Zaunere hans at
Mon Sep 20 22:17:49 EDT 2004

> So I have a little PHP mail client I made a while ago, and
> I've configured rules that deal with most MIME
> configurations (for attachments, inline elements, etc.),
> but, ironically, the digest format that this list arrives in
> escapes me. There's a digest that includes the entire raw
> email. Then each message is presented as an rfc822 message
> and then, with another imap decimal part, the text of the
> email is included again. I'm assuming this is following some
> standard that I can mesh with the object returned by
> imap_fetchbody. I'm especially interested in the imap
> decimal part of the standard. How are they assigned?

Have you tested the script with other mailman lists?  The NYPHP-Talk
list should be no different.  I do believe, however, that there is a
digest MIME type these days.

> Actually, I'm mainly interested in talking with someone
> offlist about php imap clients, I guess.

Sorry, can't help too much here.  Although a PHP mail client would be
interesting - PHP-GTK?


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