[nycphp-talk] simple problem with sessions

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Sun Oct 10 00:30:20 EDT 2004

--- ophir prusak <lists at> wrote:
> I'd take a look at the HTTP headers being sent back and forth.
> I'd put my money on something being different from IE to the
> other browsers.
> I don't know what your options are for Firefox and Safari

For Firefox, you can use LiveHTTPHeaders:

My only complaint about this plugin is that I can't figure out how to
examine the content of the HTTP messages. I'm glad it only logs headers by
default, but sometimes I want to see everything. Does anyone know how to
do this?

For Safari, I'm not aware of any good options. I hesitate to mention this,
because it's such a hack, but I did write something in PHP several years
ago to address this problem called Protoscope:

Hopefully it still works. I haven't touched it in a few years. :-)
Basically, it's an HTTP proxy, so it's not a Web script at all. You run it
from the command line (some people have figured out how to run it on
Windows, and one guy sent me a document that I posted at, and then you setup your
browser to use it as an HTTP proxy, just as you would any other.

If it works correctly, it embeds the HTTP request and response into the
response. I'm sure that sounds confusing, but basically you can scroll to
the bottom of any page and see what the HTTP transaction for that page
looks like. It was pretty handy when it worked, and before there were
better options. I may try to hack on it again sometime and make it at
least stable. :-)

Hope that helps.


Chris Shiflett -

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