[nycphp-talk] sessions and load balancing

George Schlossnagle george at
Mon Nov 8 17:24:30 EST 2004

On Nov 8, 2004, at 5:22 PM, Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, George Schlossnagle wrote:
>> You can encrypt or sign it as well, reducing a users ability to 
>> inspect
>> or (successfully) tamper with the cookies contents.
> Yes. This is the route to go if you're using cookies. Recipe 9.3 of
> PHP Cookbook has code to do with for forms using md5(), but it's easy
> to modify this for cookies.

That works fine for tamper-resistance.  If you want to eliminate 
inspection, you should use a cypher like 3des, sha or blowfish.


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