[nycphp-talk] [ot] Red Hat Fedora - should i upgrade?

leam leam at
Wed Mar 17 05:39:53 EST 2004

Christopher R. Merlo wrote:
> On 2004-03-16 23:41 -0500, jon baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
>>i have redhat 9 running + updated is there any need to upgrade to fedora?
>>kde updated? i know that rh stopped supporting stuff ...
>> doesnt really tell much in detail ...
> Jon:
> When trying to decide this for myself, I read a few really really
> negative reviews, which all basically said that core 1 wasn't ready
> for primetime.  I forget now where I saw them; maybe distrowatch,
> maybe linuxnews.  I have yet to find a positive review.

I'm highly biasd in favor of Red Hat, so take this with a grain of salt. 
Maybe a couple deer licks worth...

Fedora is RH9 with more stuff, and it is the current development area of 
Red Hat and their influence on the Linux community. RH9 will no longer 
be supported after April. If your machine runs well and you don't need 
the most current stuff then you can safely stay with 9 as long as your 
box isn't exposed to the world.

I do my development on a Fedora box, but I also have a RHEL WS desktop. 
Since I'm primarily a sysadmin any problems with the OS are my stock in 
trade. If you're more a developer and don't want to spend your time on 
the OS, just stay where you are. There's not a lot of binary 
incompatibility from RH9 -> FC1/2, as far as I understand it for PHP/MySQL.

I've not hit any showstoppers with it except the Nvidia video card, the 
MySQL license issue which kept the distributed version on 3.23, and 
bandwidth issues if you're trying to upgrade when everyone else is.

FC2 is due out soon and will use the 2.6 kernel. May also have a more 
current MySQL too.

Hope that helps.



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