[nycphp-talk] WAV to MP3 conversion with LAME

Joel De Gan joel at
Tue Jun 22 14:53:39 EDT 2004

In case you haven't, try
`lame --longhelp`
`man lame`

You will need to specify -s for the freq of the wav file.
I would also look at -m
If you have a program that can examine the bitrates/channels etc for the
wav files you will find what you need.
>From what I can gather they are MONO at 128kbps and 80KHz

Hope that helps some..

On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 13:06, Stephen Musgrave wrote:
> hello list -
> this is an obscure situation, but on the off chance that someone has had
> this experience...
> my client is using call center services.  the voice mail is saved
> as a WAV file, we suck that down to our server and convert it to MP3 using
> LAME on LINUX.  the problem is that the resulting MP3 file is noise (and the
> duration of the file is also about 1/4 of the original).
> it feels like the bitrate, sample size and or sample rate is out of sync,
> which it probably is, but i am not a digital audio expert by any means!
> (i've tried various settings including 'auto').
> when reading the output log from lame, it warns:
> Warning: corrupt or unsupported WAVE format
> Assuming raw pcm input file
> also, when converting the WAV file with iTunes to MP3, it works just fine.
> i suspect that is writing their WAV files missing some header
> information?
> so, if anybody has any light to shed on this stumper, it would be greatly
> appreciated!
> stephen
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