[nycphp-talk] OT: Solaris is going open source

Tim Gales tgales at
Fri Jun 4 20:45:07 EDT 2004

Hans Zaunere writes:

> > "Sun Microsystems Inc. this week formally committed itself to
> > releasing Solaris operating system code as open source, but 
> > no final decisions have been made on the specific details..."
> "... no final decisions have been made on the specific details..."
> Call me pessimistic, but I read that as "...we'll release 1% 
> of our code because we want the marketing buzz that surrounds 
> Open Source to surround us since we're loosing market share 
> left and right..."
> I hope that I'm wrong, since there's some good stuff deep 
> within Solaris' code base, but it's going to mean a major 
> shift for Sun.  That said, if they are legit and do release 
> the entire tree, watch out Linux.

Oh yeah -- they are going to release the whole tree.

One thing of interest could be 'Solaris Doors' --
and the thread pools which support doors.

There was an (ill-fated) emulation attempt: )

excerpted from the above link:
"Goal of Linux Doors (ldoor) project is to implement Solaris 
doors API under Linux. Doors are fast intra-machine RPC interface. 
Implementation consists of kernel part (written as device driver) 
and user-level library emulating Solaris calls..."

After you 'harden' Solaris it can be made 
incredibly secure.

If you add that all up  -- almost air-tight security, superior 
threading model (in the kernel), and super speedy nfs i/o -- 
I would say watch out Linux *and* BSD

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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