[nycphp-talk] Re: firepages

Tim Gales tgales at
Sat Jan 24 07:31:36 EST 2004

yury writes:
"who  does pro bono php tutoring"

Every member of NYPHP I have met is 
willing to share what they know -- 
so, in effect, everyone at NYPHP 
does (pro bono) tutoring.

To take advantage of the resources 
at NYPHP you should sign up on the 
'dev' list so you can stay informed 
about the projects we're doing.

And, you should come to the meetings.

If you are on the 'dev' list you will 
find out more about the "Tea Party".

Briefly "Tea Party" is (or rather will 
be) a 'learn by doing' project.

The idea is that instead of 20 guys 
learning similar things in different 
directions and having 20 unrelated 
modules, we will investigate the 
same kinds of material but create 
a unified working system.

Like John Lacey said elsewhere on the 
list: "the the only way to 
learn it (PHP) is to code/debug/test/code/debug/test/code..."

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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