[nycphp-talk] perspective on NYPHP at Linuxworkd

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Fri Jan 23 17:23:31 EST 2004

David Mintz wrote:

> Subjectively speaking, of course:  I noticed that the low-rent district
> where the small booths (like NYPHP's) were located had a more exciting
> vibe than the upscale part of town where the flashy big corporate exhibits
> were. The conversation seemed more animated and interesting.

I compare the commercial/FOSS booths to television/Internet:  with the 
first, you get talked at; and the second, talked to.

> Hats off to you guys who put in all those hours on your feet: Hans, Jeff
> K., Tim G., and whoever else.

I second that one!  Too bad I discovered you folks so recently, as my 
gift of gab would have certainly provided assistance...

-- Mitch

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