[nycphp-talk] Maximum Connections

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Thu Jan 8 14:53:52 EST 2004

--- Andrew Yochum <andrew at> wrote:
> We've been pushing it over 3000 regularly recently and are currently
> testing its upper limit. Preliminary tests suggest a limit around 4090,
> but we suspect it can be pushed higher. This is running on RedHat 8.0,
> MySQL 4.0.14, RedHat's BigMem kernel on a 4-way Xeon 2.5GHz,
> hyperthreading on and 12 GB of RAM.

We have over 2048 constantly on a production machine (due to traffic), and
I have the max at 4096 (which we've come close to only during rare peaks).

Our hardware is less impressive than Andrew's - a 2-way P4, Red Hat 9, and
4 GB of RAM.

Also, for whatever reason, I can only get MySQL to reach this type of
performance using MySQL AB's pre-built binaries. I'm sure I'm just not
picking all of the right configuration options when I build it myself, but
I'd suggest using theirs unless you really know what you're doing (this
excludes me).


Chris Shiflett -

PHP Security Handbook
     Coming mid-2004
HTTP Developer's Handbook

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